Liz Parrish vs. science: The lucrative business of serving the mega-rich who seek eternal youth | Science


Everyone loves a good story and Liz Parrish knows hers has all the necessary ingredients to qualify. It features a sick little boy and a devoted mother, evil scientists conspiring against humanity, illegal genetic experiments and a secret business catering to the mega-rich, who travel out into international waters in search of eternal youth. She … Read more

Science demystifier | L’Impact du lait maternel

Chaque semaine, notre reporte répond aux questions scientifiques de lecteurs. Release at 1:12 At 5:00 Est-ce que notre goût pour le sucre provient du lait maternel, qui est très sucré? Jean Charlebois C’est plutôt l’inverse: notre goût pour le lait maternel est issu d’une attirance innée pour le sucre. “D’après le point de vue dominant, … Read more

Is there any science behind the practice of ‘grounding’ or ‘grounding’?

After a long day, there’s little doubt that a walk in nature or sitting in a park can be restorative. But according to “earthing” proponents, it’s not the environment that makes you feel better, but the current from the Earth. Also known as “grounding,” grounding is a growing practice that suggests placing your bare feet … Read more

Reasons to be hopeful: five ways science is making the world a better place | World news

Stem cell transplants can reverse diabetes Ian Sample Half a billion people worldwide live with diabetes. There are different types with different causes, but they all cause people to have too much sugar in their blood. If not well controlled, this excess glucose can cause damage throughout the body, putting people at risk for gum … Read more

SAU science students travel to the consortium in Michigan

Five St. Augustine University (SAU) students traveled to Grand Valley State University (GVSU) recently to learn and network as part of a partnership SAU has with the institution, located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. . Held Oct. 28-30, the event was part of a GVSU initiative known as the Historically Black College-University (HBCU) / Hispanic Service … Read more

Public confidence in the science of the COVID-19 vaccine affects vaccine uptake in the US

The study highlights the importance of strengthening trust in health communication from public sources such as the CDC and addressing the emotional impacts of loss. Study: Trust in the science behind COVID-19 vaccines as a driver of vaccine acceptance in the United States, 2021–2023. Image credit: Shutterstock AI / In a recent study published … Read more

The Planetary Boundaries Framework gains traction in sustainability science

Past and possible future trajectories of the Earth system. Credit: Nature Reviews Earth and Environment (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s43017-024-00597-z The Planetary Boundaries (GP) Framework is a key tool to address the climate crisis and protect the future of humanity on Earth. For the first time, the complete story of Planetary Frontiers is being told from its … Read more

Computer Science Professor Receives Regents Recognition for Outstanding Teaching

Etienne Vouga, an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin, has received a 2024 Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award for demonstrating outstanding classroom performance and innovative teaching. Vouga is one of 12 recipients this year from across the University of Texas system. “Professor Vouga’s extraordinary dedication to his … Read more